Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Which Way

Which way do you go when you are trying to find somewhere to go? Which way do you go when you don't have anywhere to go? Which way? How do you know if your decision is the right one? How do you know if that choice that you made isn't just going to stab you in the back later on? I just don't know. It's tough to make a choice that you have no clue in the world on how to make it. It's hard when you are expected an answer from you and you just don't know how to answer it. Its really hard and everyone faces this horrible feeling of questions. It's worse when no one can answer that question but...you. No one can help you make the right decision, you have to make it yourself. No one can tell you what they think because it is what you think is the best thing. I know i'm just rambling but thats what has been on my mind all week long.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Difficult Times

This post is for Keara, my best friend. At least one person wakes up one morning and can tell already it is going to be a bad day. Well that was my day today. I have had a lot on my mind and it just seems like it won't go away. I try my best to make myself happy on the outside even though I may be sad on the inside. But for some reason this time I am not able to keep myself happy without showing what is wrong with me. Keara has made it easier for me to make it through this weekend and even today. She is the most best friend anyone could ever ask for. Everyone says shes quiet, not talkative, but to me that is completley a lie. She has changed my life and no one can change that. I have had a lot of tough things going on with friends, family, and even...my ability to be able to function. Life can suck at times, but I know that I have to try and make the best of it. With keara by my side I know that I can get through tomorrow and the next day and the next..and so on. I love ya keara!


Sunday, March 29, 2009

My First Post! woohoo!

Hey guys! I gave up on regualar journaling on a piece of paper. I decided that I would create this blog so that I can have place to just write about whatever I want. I needed a place where I would be able to just talk about me.