Thursday, April 9, 2009

We are Savage.

*this message is very depressing and sad but i was just thinking today in english and thought i would express it*

Humans are very savage. We are dirty and mean. We are very inhuman. Actually we are human, but we are inhuman as how we act. We act inhuman. If that makes sense.

We are savage.

I learned in English today the bad side of us. When we are put into a situation where we do not have any order we go crazy. We lose.... our innosence. We lose our humanity. We lose are love, our hope, our happiness. We gain.... fear, savagery, hatetred, and so on. We don't realize it until we are put with those conditions. Even then, we don't realize what we are doing at the time until we look back and...remember... we remember our savager, we remember our sickness that we got from the fear. Fear is the worste thing that a person can go through. Fear can create death, hallucinations, and even more fear. Fear is like cancer in our minds. It kills us, it brings down, it tears our trust in others, it kills our humanity. Fear causes are minds to think of things worse than they really are. It causes us to think that something is something when really it is not. When our class read in English a book called "Lord of the Flies", these boys where stranded on an island without any adult supervision or order. They thought they had seen a beast because of the fear that had built up inside of them of some mean creature out there. So when one of the characters Simon said "we should go to the top of the mountain", they disagreed but he went anyway. He reached the top and he discovered the "beast", the beast was just a person that also was stranded from his parchute. Simon ran down the mountain and the boys where chanting "kill the beast around the fire" and they saw simon and they thought that was the beast. When it wasn't. They killed simon. Teared him to shreds. That is how savage we kids...humans....are. This book is very depressing it is the truth. We can't be on our own. We can't make it through without someone to keep over and to have someone watch over us. That is why we need to make a change as we humans should be doing. We should work on doing things more on our own. Instead of realying on other people to do the stuff for us all the time, like not always having an adult there to patch up a fight with your brother and sister, or their when you need something to eat, get it yourself. So, that if you are ever put into this situation as these boys where. You will be able to take order and handle things the best you can without getting out of hand. But unfortunetly these boys did get off to a good start with a leader but then...Ralph (the leader) and Jack(the kid that wanted to be leader that made all of the kids savage) Jack ruined it. He caused them to want to hunt and thats what made them savage. To kill, is something everyone should think of as savagery. I want to make a difference. No matter what it is. I'm going to find out what i can do. I hate this savage place but we have to make the best of it.

<3 kels

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