Thursday, April 2, 2009

ZOMG! IDK!! :)

lol, I wanted to write in my blog today, but i had no idea in the world what to write about...soo i'm just going to write some pointless entry on how pointless this entry is. You don't have to read any further because it just makes me feel better when I keep something going, even though I may not know what to write, I still feel like I should write about something or my day doesn't feel like a close. When I write in my blog, I feel like I'm sealing my day, like there isn't much else to do in the day other than going to sleep :) Its like saying, so this was my day, no its over..yaa de dahhh de dahh...ya I know boring right...?? haha. Sorry if this post isn't very its kinda late and past my bed time :) lol. I guess its ok to have a silly blog every once in a while. I actually feel like I'm feeling a little bit better today...other than the fact that it has been a long and miserable day..but still I feel like I feel better emotionally because I have finally made my a choice that I have been thinking about forever. So, to me this day, means a that I actually accomplished something. Thats good right? lol

~ <3 KElS

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